The 14th century saw the fortunes of the westernmost parts of the Islamic world in decline in the Iberian peninsula but expand in North Africa.

Granadan officer – early 14th century

Granadan costume, arms and armour remained distinctive and different from those of North Africa. This man’s sword. dagger and horse-harness were made locally, though his melmet is of Middle Eastern origin. His banner reflects a persistent similarily with European heraldry, whereas the Hand of Fatima on his shield is specifically Islamic.

Granadan cavalryman – late 14th century

Here a horseman is based directly upon a painted ceiling in the Alhamba, but whether the figure represents a African hero-prince or a member of the Granadan elite is unknown. Several written descriptions confirm the accuracy of this source, including the highly effective leather daraqa shield and the distinctive swordhilt with long quillions extending down the side of the blade.